

  • Episodes: High Five (01:02)

A skeleton monster created by Finster. He is the first monster the Power Rangers ever faced (not counting Goldar), one of the few to have his own set of minions (glowing skeleton warriors), and was the first boss in the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers videogame. He was destroyed by Trini after having his head thrown down a pit full of lava.


  • Episodes: High Five (01:02)

A giant knight summoned by Rita after Bones's defeat. She said this incantation to summon him:

Moondust soft and pliant, Send to Earth a giant.

Once it appeared in Angel Grove, it pulled the Red Ranger out of Bones's dimension. The Ranger then summoned the Tyrannosaurus Zord and destroyed the Giant.

Mighty Minotaur

  • Episodes: Teamwork (01:03)

The Mighty Minotaur is a minotaur monster created by Finster. It manages to cause mass havoc against Jason, Zack, and Billy while Trini and Kimberly are preoccupied fighting the putties. After the Minotaur grows, the Rangers regroup and call on their zords, but after a brief confrontation in Megazord Tank Mode, Zordon determines the monster is too much for the Rangers' zords. Zordon gives the Rangers their Power Weapons to battle the monster. When confronted by the Minotaur again, they bring their weapons together to form the Power Blaster and defeat the monster. The Minotaur also appeared in the Sega Genesis game based on the show.

King Sphinx/Fly Guy

  • Episodes: A Pressing Engagement (01:04), Day of the Dumpster Pilot (01:0.5)

King Sphinx was a Pharaoh-like Sphinx monster created by Finster. He could send away other beings with his wings. He also wields a scepter with a gold question mark on the end, which emitted flaming question marks. Finster supposedly created him from a handful of Egyptian sand, which he threw into the clay mold while making the monster's model. King Sphinx was destroyed by the Megazord's Power Sword.

King Sphinx was originally named Fly Guy in the (originally) unaired pilot for Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. He was also the most featured non-regular villain character to appear in art for much of the franchise's merchandise.

Gnarly Gnome

  • Episodes: Different Drum (01:05)

A gnome/goblin monster created by Finster. He could control people with his music, which he played with his magical accordion. He also wielded a rake as a weapon. He held the friends of Kimberly's deaf friend Melissa as hostages in a cave and made them dance uncontrollably with his music. Melissa led Kimberly and the others to the cave, and Kimberly had Melissa take cover, thereby preventing her from seeing her and her friends morph into the Rangers. The Rangers took on Gnarly Gnome and obliterated him with the Power Blaster, but then Rita made him grow. During the Megazord battle, Gnarly Gnome first used his rake, but the Megazord soon took it away and used it against him. Gnarly Gnome then used his accordion to confuse the Megazord and cause the Rangers to see illusions of a city in the empty battlefield, and to hallucinate Gnarly Gnome as a city building, and then a rolling boulder. The Megazord knocked the accordion away, putting a stop to the gnome's music, and then defeated him with the Power Sword.

Gnarly Gnome was also the second boss in the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers game. He was also the first monster to also appear in US footage.

Pudgy Pig

  • Episodes: Food Fight (01:06), Island of Illusion (01:28, 29), A Pig Surprise (01:42)

Pudgy Pig was a ravenous pig monster. He could wipe out the Earth's entire food supply in a mere 48 hours. However, he didn't like spicy food. Pudgy Pig was created by Finster to ruin the Food Festival at the Youth Center, immediately beginning to eat everything in sight. When battling the Power Rangers, Pudgy Pig swallowed their Power Weapons and sent the Rangers into a swirling vortex. The Rangers realized that the monster didn't like spicy food, so they fed it a sandwich containing a spicy vegetable, causing it to become ill and vomit up all the food, as well as the Rangers' weapons. The Rangers then used their Power Blaster to destroy the Pudgy Pig.

Some time later when the Rangers were sent to the Island of Illusion, they were assaulted by the illusions of monsters they had already defeated, including Pudgy Pig. A few dozen episodes later, Rita Repulsa was able to transform Norman (Bulk's pet pig) into another Pudgy Pig. Like the first Pudgy Pig, Norman was gluttonous, but unlike the first, he did not have evil intentions — he just wanted some food to snack on. The Rangers were able to track Norman to a farm where he was found gazing at a female pig. Trini observed that none of Rita's monsters could fall in love like Norman had. The Rangers then turned this Pudgy Pig back into Norman.

NOTE: In "A Pig Surprise", Pudgy Pig fought the Power Rangers in a battle utilizing the same footage from "Food Fight", this time without eating their Power Weapons. This was executed by very careful video editing.

Chunky Chicken

  • Episodes: Big Sisters (01:16)

A chicken monster created by Finster when Rita asked for a truly cruel monster. He captured Maria, a young girl who Kimberly and Trini were babysitting, and used her to open a chest to retrieve the Power Eggs, as the chest could only be opened by a child. The Chunky Chicken used a pair of giant scissors to tear a hole in the fabric of time and space in order to move around. The Chunky Chicken was destroyed by the Megazord, after unsuccessfully trying to duck the Power Sword.

Eye Guy

  • Episodes: I, Eye Guy (01:07), Island of Illusion (01:28, 29), The Wedding, Parts II & III (02:42, 43), Countdown to Destruction (06:42, 43), The Fate of Lightspeed (08:40)

Eye Guy is an eye monster created by Finster. Rita had once employed Eye Guy's skills on Redna 2 to capture incredibly bright children to use their intelligence for evil. Eye Guy was one of Rita's favorite monsters and Eye Guy seemed to show some attraction and loyalty to her, calling her "lovely" and "a sight for sore eyes". Eye Guy had an array of energy beam attacks he could launch from his various eyes, and could reassemble himself if blown apart. Eye Guy's mission was to capture a highly-intelligent child so Rita Repulsa could absorb their intelligence. Eye Guy captured Billy's friend Willie and was challenged by the Power Rangers. Eye Guy proved to be invulnerable to their Power Blaster and had them on the ropes until Billy destroyed his main eye. Grown to giant size by Rita, Eye Guy was destroyed by the Megazord, freeing the child before Rita could get to him.

Some time later when the Rangers were sent to the Island of Illusion, they were assaulted by the illusions of monsters they had already defeated which then vanished when they were about to touch the Rangers. One of these illusions was Eye Guy. Eye Guy later attended Rita and Zedd's wedding, bringing a caged spider for "either a decoration or a light snack." After the reception, he was part of the monster army that fought and was destroyed by the Thunderzords.

Eye Guy was featured in Countdown to Destruction and was one of the many monsters that aided King Mondo in raiding the Phantom Ranger's home planet. Eye Guy was last seen in the finale of Lightspeed Rescue when Queen Bansheera attempted to open a gateway to the Shadow World. He was among the undead monsters seen in the gateway.

Eye Guy was also one of the villains (the third boss) in the original Mighty Morphin Power Ranger Video Game.

Mr. Ticklesneezer

Knasty Knight


Terror Toad

Madame Woe


Dark Warrior




Spit Flower

Frankenstein Monster



Samurai Fan Man

Babe Ruthless




Hatchasaurus & Cardiatron


Twin Man


Goo Fish


Fighting Flea

Jellyfish Warrior



Grumble Bee

Two-Headed Parrot


Pumpkin Rapper


Slippery Shark



Commander Crayfish

